Activities & Groups
Faith without works is dead – James 2:14-26.
The best way to become part of our community is to get involved and we’d love to have you be part of it. Once you’ve found something of interest please get in touch with the Parish Office to put you in touch with the right person to get you started.
Most groups are open to people as young as Year 9 including Ministers of the Eucharist and Proclaimers of the Word. Others, such as music, can go even younger.
Altar Servers
Children who have completed their first Holy Communion can serve at the altar.
Altar Society
Wash and clean the altar linen used in our Masses. Also look after the larger items like altar hangings, vestments and altar servers’ robes.
Liturgy Committee
Plan and implement the liturgies, particularly for important events like Easter, Christmas and Pentecost.
Music Ministry
We are blessed to have a number of wonderful music groups in our communities that lead the congregation in song. Share your musical gift with the church.
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Be a leader or a helper with children of different ages helping the children through their own Liturgy of the Word.
Children are welcome from any age. Under fives are welcome but should be accompanied by a carer.
Ministers of the Eucharist
Assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass.
Indoor Bowls
Ss Peter and Paul run a Catholic Indoor Bowls evening on Wednesday nights in the winter months. This is held at Our Lady of the Rosary school.
Eucharist for the Sick
Take communion to the sick and housebound who are unable to join the community at Mass.
Floral Ministry
Create floral arrangements to enhance our celebrations.
Family Group
All ages are welcome to join the family group for events such as picnics, pool trips and BBQs.
Collect and count donations after Sunday Mass.
Bible Groups
The Apostle Paul gives advice to his co-worker Timothy: “Proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.” (2 Tim 4:2). With a similar zeal the parish is committed to study God’s Word. It will bring life and has the inner power to edify relationships in families and communities, teaching us to respect each other.
Welcoming Ministry
Welcome new Parish members by visiting them in their homes and helping them become established in our Communities.
Welcome people at the door of the church before Mass, often distributing the Parish bulletin.
Prayer of the Faithful Writers
Write intercession prayers for Sunday Mass. Each of the four communities writes prayers for the wider Parish on a monthly rotation.
Proclaimers of the Word
Focus our congregation on the Good News by proclaiming the Word of God at Mass.
Rosary Group
The rosary is prayed on regular basis for the needs of the Parish and of the world. The rosary is said alongside weekday services St. Patrick, Wainuiomata on Wednesday at 7:00 pm (church side chapel). San Antonio, Eastbourne on Friday 9:00 am, and OLR Waiwhetu after weekday masses.
Set up the altar, lectern and sanctuary for Sunday and weekday Masses.
Morning Tea
Pour the coffee and tea after Mass and help with the cleanup.
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament
Regular Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament occurs in our parish communities:
St. Patrick’s Church, Wainuiomata – Tuesday after the 9:00 am Mass.
Sacred Heart Church, Petone – Thursday after the 9:30 am Mass
San Antonio Church, Eastbourne – Wednesday 10:00 am followed by Holy Mass
Legion of Mary
A Legionary’s principal task is “to bring Mary to the world as the infallible means of winning the world to Jesus”.
St Vincent de Paul Society
St Vincent de Paul is the main outreach group in our parish, providing tangible support to those in need. Join this group to reach out to those in our communities who need it the most by providing companionship, food and financial assistance.
Men’s Group
The Parish of the Holy Spirit, Te Wairua Tapu, values and promotes activities that encourage people to get to know one another on a personal and social level and not just limit contacts for individuals to the time spent in the Church at community services.
A Men’s Group was established in our parish to provide such an opportunity for the men of our parish. The group provides a gathering space for men of the Parish to come together to get to know one another in a pleasant environment which encourages conversation and fraternity.
Youth Group
Become a member or leader and help our youth develop their own faith. Year 9 and above.
Seniors Group
The Senior members of the Parish regularly gather and enjoy each company. Celebrate Mass followed by refreshment and a chat. If you are free please come and join us for mass and fellowship.
Intermediate Youth Group
Join an in-home social gathering for intermediate age children.
Bring your musical talent to our parish youth jam. Year 8 and above.
If there are any other groups you’d like to see formed then please get in
touch with the Parish Office to get it started.
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. – Mother Teresa