
We have a range of different Sacramental programmes.  Please get in touch with the Parish office to find out the right contact person to learn more or to join a programme.

School Sacramental Programmes

The Parish runs a Sacramental programme through the four primary schools over the course of a year.  This programme covers Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.  If your child would like to attend but they are not part of the school then please get in touch either  directly with the school or via the Parish office to find out how to take part.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

For adults or teenagers who wish to become part of the Catholic Church the Parish runs a program called “Come & See”. This programme also goes by the name Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). The programme has two main stages; firstly, an enquiry phase to find out what Catholics believe; and secondly, a programme of formation leading up to Easter, when candidates are received into the Church.

Other Sacraments

For baptisms, marriages, funerals and anointing of the sick please contact the Parish office.  Those who wish to get married in the church are required to take part in a pre-marriage course called “Love is a Decision”, so please get in touch early in your engagement to arrange this.